Enjoy more mobile recording capabilities across the board!
📱 Mobile EID recording from the file library
The EID file library has been added to the new mobile app, so you can do EID events for sales, send to graze, deaths and treatments
If your FarmIQ is connected to NAIT, NAIT will automatically be notified whenever an animal is sold to sent to graze
If you've got the Gallagher or Te Pari integration set up, EID files will transfer automatically
New integration coming soon: FarmIQ will integrate further with Trutest Datamars - this is currently in development
📱 Record more animal events
Record animal births - you can do this individually for each animal or all at once when your mob is finished birthing
Draft your animals on mobile - split them into different mobs such as light vs. heavy, pregnant vs. empty, female vs. male, etc.
Record on the go, so the details get into FarmIQ while they are still fresh
📱 Record more land events
Land events are now recorded straight from the map - simply tap your paddock and go!
With the product inventory now on mobile, you can also record usage of those products by way of recording fertiliser and chemical applications
Ability to select multiple paddocks at a time for fertiliser and chemical applications, as well as land notes
View pasture covers, forages, and fertiliser and chemical applications by clicking on a paddock on the map
New feature coming soon: proof of placement - you'll be able to record your exact location where you completed a farm event (such as a fertiliser application) via the GPS on your phone
📱Record visits to your farm
Record new visits and view all previous and upcoming visits on the mobile app
Visit requests from the SafeVisit app will link with your FarmIQ mobile app
Approve SafeVisit requests and message SafeVisit users
Ability to set auto-approval when a farm visit is requested, so you don't have to do it manually each time
Some neat little extras
📱 You can rely on us
In the off chance that FarmIQ is down due an outage and one of your events fails, you can now resubmit that event to ensure you aren't losing any data - the event won't disappear and the information you've entered will remain there to submit again once the outage is fixed
📱 Pasture perfect
View your last pasture walk as a pasture wedge graph - a quick, effective visual to see how things are growing: head to Reports > Other
📱 Measuring made easy
Click the new ruler symbol in the bottom left corner to automatically track your phone and measure the distance travelled - no more struggling with tape measures out in the paddocks!